Since UNIFYD Healing represents multiple modalities hosted in wellness centers around the world, the testimonials below focus on a combination of all of the modalities we represent. Be sure to check them out and see the incredible results people are reporting all around the world when visiting the wellness centers we represent!
Mandy Lane
I highly recommend experiencing the Scalar Lounge—it was truly transformative. From the moment I stepped in, I felt a deep sense of calm, which was a relief given my menopausal symptoms. I treated my sister to a session, and she experienced a dramatic shift in how she felt—her stress reduced, her face cooled, and her color returned. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael’s 90-minute meditation, combined with the healing energy of the Scalar Lounge, was an unforgettable experience. It reaffirmed my belief that our bodies can heal themselves when provided the right environment. Energy Enhancement truly restores balance and well-being.
January 28, 2025
Scalar Lounge
24-unit EESystem
Phillip Hanson
At 69; worn to the bone shoulders, constant pain, no quality sleep, brain fog, low energy, failing to enjoy off-grid retirement. I read a stock car driver's testimonial with career ending shoulder pain. After 12 two hour sessions over 24 weeks I had no pain, improving hydration & eyesight and 48hr recovery from shoulder use pain. After two more 4hr sessions its a miracle. My 3 hr hard work limit is gone. I worked two 8 hr days at 37C 98F with a heavy brush cutter, and fully recovered next day. I feel indestructible 30 again. All Systems working optimally, great sleep, stamina, brain + buckets of happiness and hope. Thanks Sally and Dr Michael for EE my new lifelong must have.
January 26, 2025
Omni Wellness
24-unit EESystem
Susan Campbell
For most of my life I have used my singing voice for traveling shows, musicals, directing choirs and teaching music in the public school system. About 6 years ago, something unexplained was happening to my vocal cords that constantly grew worse with each year. I could no longer sing and my speaking voice was low and raspy. I didn't consult a doctor but I did start going to the Infinity Life and Light Wellness center in my area this year. After going on a regular basis for several months, I am very happy to say that my vocal cords are back to normal! Thank you, Leon and Wilma for this scalar wave therapy!
January 16, 2025
Infinity Life and Light Wellness
24-unit EESystem
Donna Mower
EE System is the fountain of youth! I tried it to cure my inflammation and dry eye which it did. What I didn't expect are the anti-aging effects. After a year of attending at 2 hours per week, my age spots are gone, my hair is shinier and healthier, and my nails and teeth are whiter and stronger. I am 56 years old and have turned back the clock. This outcome took many consistent weeks and am so glad I did this! Thank you to the staff at the Regeneration Station, Pensacola, FL! They are the best!
December 26, 2024
Regeneration Station
16-unit EESystem
Mike Stephens
Thank you so much of the work you did with my 91 year old mother with the EE system. After hip surgery at Baptist, she had a series of 5 EE Sessions at Regeneration Station. She now drives, gets her own oil changes, shops in town and visits her favorite health food store where she has entered in a recipe contest. After hip surgery, she is alive and well. I believe the EE treatments had a large part to do with it. On Sunday, she made it to church on her own. God bless you and your wellness center.
January 28, 2025
Regeneration Station
16-unit EESystem
Kayt H
My first experience was with a friend and we went for the overnight session. The next day my body was in a different world allowing all the healing to process:) I just recently did the remote healing for a week and will do another, since the drive is a bit far for me. This is up-grading my health and helping maintain my health. I'm so grateful for Ascended Wellness!!!
January 25, 2025
Ascended Wellness
40-unit EESystem
After several fractures in my back due to osteoporosis, I decided on the EEsystem. After my first night in the system, the evening after I got home, an energy filled my entire spine. Every time after an overnight stay, my back bones are more supple and I feel more stability. My body can also cope better with the changes in the weather. What's also pleasing is that my sleep quality at home has improved and I can remember dreams again. I am convinced that the EEsystem is the right one for my situation.
January 12, 2025
EES Vital
24-unit EESystem
Rochelle Kabran
I came to Loving Light Regeneration because of my admiration for Frannie Sheridan. She leads a Reprogramming Workshop using deep breathwork and humming with Love
Consciousness. She is
amazing and shares of
her own life's healing journey. Sooo relatable for me, as I too had a childhood of massive trauma. Unbeknown
to me was the Power of the EE System, and I can attest that this Incredible system healed me of two mosaic warts on my right foot, within just a few days of attending a 2 hour session... Iwent to see Frannie never imagining that the virus in my blood that produced those warts would be wiped out!! They have never come back and I am still without the presence of any appearing!!
December 29, 2024
Loving Light Regeneration
24-unit EESystem
Sarah Heximer
Sleeping in the EESystem is an experience unlike any other. I've done two sessions now. The first, included wild dreams, the second, I was dead to the world and the shoulder that had been plaguing me for 6 months was 1000x better than it has been in months and I can raise my arm overhead without wincing (and this is after 6 weeks of PT not making a dent). The clarity of mind, body and spirit is worth every penny of the investment.
December 17, 2024
New Awake
12-unit EESystem
Kristine Dickson
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My teenage daughter Ava was born with Downs Syndrome. What she likes most about the Energy Room is that it is "calming" and also that it "makes her smarter". I love the mental clarity I get when I have the time to relax in the Energy System, we both love it here and come almost every week for 2 hours!
January 28, 2025
Regeneration Station
16-unit EESystem
Scotia Minarsch
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My doctors diagnosed my body with Polycistic kidney disease in 5th stage renal failure last year.
I started sleeping at the Center in August, 2024
When I started, I had itchy skin, leg and finger cramps, weak legs and overall tiredness. Also, my fingers were often tingly, as if they were asleep.These symptoms soon dissipated while spending time at the Center. My blood draws are getting better, and I've been able to stay away from dialysis. I'm urinating regularly, and my body is healing.
I had an issue with my sciatic nerve, and was in a lot of pain. After being at The Center, my pain was gone.
I also had a large bump, about 2" in diameter, on my right leg since 2019. That bump is gone.
January 24, 2025
Awakening Light Energy Center
24-unit EESystem
B. Frank
After a warm welcome, I did a 2-hour session in the warm and atmospheric room at Diverso Energy Center. You immediately feel the peace and sometimes tingling/sensations through your body. It is nice to have a chat afterwards in the cozy lounge with other participants. Afterwards you will feel wonderfully recharged and relaxed. Everyone should enjoy this on a regular basis!
January 5, 2025
Diverso Energy Center
24-unit EESystem
Linda B.
Shout out to Frannie and Danny Sheridan for an incredible 2 hour journey today at Loving Light Regeneration Center. The training on how to use Frumming to connect to the nothingness/darkness was a game changer. My husband enjoyed it very much! LovingLightRegeneration.com
December 29, 2024
Loving Light Regeneration
24-unit EESystem
Rochelle Kabran
I am so amazed at this technology and can tell you that a viral infection, mosaic warts
to be exact - two of them on my right foot - went away within several days after spending 2 hrs in the "Womb Room"... and have not come back - a year and counting!
Frannie Sheridan, Author, Actress, Comedienne and Inspirational Speaker
leads a Workshop on Sundays for one hour which is followed by an hour of rest. Frannie guides the participants thru deep breathing followed by humming with Love Intention a Practice she calls FRUMMING, as a hands on way to relax and find our "center", shift the emotions and vibration; a coping mechanism for stressful living used with Positive Reprogramming.
December 9, 2024
Loving Light Regeneration
24-unit EESystem