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Rochelle Kabran


I am so amazed at this technology and can tell you that a viral infection, mosaic warts
to be exact - two of them on my right foot - went away within several days after spending 2 hrs in the "Womb Room"... and have not come back - a year and counting!
Frannie Sheridan, Author, Actress, Comedienne and Inspirational Speaker
leads a Workshop on Sundays for one hour which is followed by an hour of rest. Frannie guides the participants thru deep breathing followed by humming with Love Intention a Practice she calls FRUMMING, as a hands on way to relax and find our "center", shift the emotions and vibration; a coping mechanism for stressful living used with Positive Reprogramming.

December 9, 2024

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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I just wanted to send you a big thank you. My first session was absolutely incredible 😲
I have an injury from my previous job in my shoulder blade and chest area that radiates through my entire arm, I have arthritis in my hands and right hip. I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos auto immune disease. I could not believe how and what I was feeling in my first session. I literally felt like something was being pulled out of my shoulder. I think I was in shock or possibly unbelief that first evening 😳 then the following day was incredible. I can't say enough about how fantastic this is how real it is. I will be doing this for a while, It truly does recharge your soul. Julie S

December 3, 2024

Elevated Wellness and Rejuvenation/ Recharge Your Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Julie Meidinger


I’m not sure how many hours I’ve been in the EE Systems. But every minute I have spent has given me energy to accomplish so much. Before I started going to the EE System I had no energy and my house was starting to look like a hoarder lived here! “ My children can testify to that.” But now after going to the EE system not only do I have the energy but I have the desire to do it. Our house looks so much better and we are having Thanksgiving at our home which hasn’t happened in a long time. There is so many other things it has done for me. But this is the most noticeable right now. Thank you Elevated Wellness and Rejuvenation for bringing this miracle to us!!! Julie

December 3, 2024

Elevated Wellness and Rejuvenation/ Recharge Your Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Nathalie Arama


Yin Yoga & EES. The Rebalance Center's well-being ambience, enhanced by natural facets, amplified the meditative qualities of the yoga practice through the EE-System frequencies. Yin Yoga's long held poses and mindfulness divinely complemented the energy work, allowing a deep release of tension and healing. Manita's gentle guidance encouraged full surrender into the practice. After the session I felt physically lighter, mentally relieved and emotionally at peace. The detox bath complementing the experience, enhanced relaxation and grounded the healing effects. Sara and Morgan at Rebalance offer this amazing healing journey and I recommend anyone this holistic approach to wellness.

November 24, 2024

Rebalance Energy Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Walter & Julia


Es war eine gute Fügung, bei Dir zu sein! Wir waren beide nach einer recht müden Hotelnacht sehr frisch und munter nach diesen 2 Stunden. Bei Julia hielt das Hochgefühl an, bei mir sackte es in den Keller und der Nachmittag und Abend waren mühsam. Am nächsten Tag ging es wieder hoch und hielt an, bis heute am 3. Tag danach. Sehr deutlich hat sich meine Schlafqualität gebessert! Bei Julia, die ja immer schläft wie ein Murmeltier, hat sich ihr Tages-Aktivitätspegel sichtbar erhöht. Bei mir ist noch eine Optimierung zu bemerken: die Einatmung. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sich die Sauerstoffaufnahme beim Atmen signifikant gebessert hat.
Also: Auf ein freudiges Wiedersehen! Walter & Julia

November 11, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Rozanne P


My vision was getting very bad and my eyes were usually quite sore and stressed. My first session at Infinite Vitality was exceptional. After about an hour and a half, I started to yawn. When I did, I had tears streaming down my face. Then I stopped yawning but the water kept running from my eyes. I wiped away the tears and to my surprise, a sign on the wall on the other side of the room, that I had been struggling to read, was suddenly very clear! Since then, street signs are much clearer and I can read without my reading glasses. My eyes feel good and my vision is markedly improved. I have been to the Centre 3 times (6 hours) so far and I am very pleased with the results!

December 6, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Erika Walters


I found Zia Zen unexpectedly. I was desperate from brain fog and illness from long term Lyme disease and mold exposure in my home. After a year or more of trying to get better I was still not back to myself. The EES system at Zia Zen picked me right back up and it took a month long trial of two hour sessions about 2-3 X weekly. I felt peace and harmony in my body for the first time in years. It was truly miraculous. My mind worked better and I felt much more lively. I often longed to go back and bathe in the waves again. Now I go less often and it is a good pick me and I believe it helps me with the stress of life and maintaining results. I really hope this catches on to treat all illness.

December 3, 2024

ZiaZen Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Shannon Thurman


I came to Regeneration Station as I was told my medical condition was deteriorating rapidly. I had a NT-proBNP test result in October, a test they use to detect heart failure. Normal is 0-125 and mine was 168 and had been 135 in July. My WBCells have also been abnormal for a few years from a blood cancer. I have a brain aneurysm that was repaired but I was told it may be leaking. In the past month I did 2 overnights and some 2-hr daytime sessions for a total of 34 hours in EES and on November 21 my NT-proBNP test was down to 74 and my white blood cell count was within normal. EES hours are the only change I made. I feel so much better mentally and physically and am hopeful again!

November 27, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Martina D.


Maahi Wellness has the EE system, which I find helps with reducing anxiety and body pain. It is very relaxing, and the staff are all professional, respectful, authentic and kind. Maahi provides a safe, comfortable space for everyone. They also provide warm blankets. There are times that one or two clients will get up and go to the washroom or move on their chair generating a bit of noises, but these are to be expected in a communal area. We have the option of putting over-the-ear or noise cancellation headphones, if so desired. I highly recommend Maahi EE System to family, friends and clients for their well-being. Thank you!

November 23, 2024

Maahi Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Walter & Julia


wenn ich richtig zähle, sind es jetzt 11 Tage, an denen die Bilder meiner Frau und mir Ihrer EES-Technologie ausgesetzt sind.
Als langjähriger Radiästhet und Kinesiologe und Gründer der Selbsthilfegruppe für Komplementärmedizin
halten meine Frau und ich unsere Körperspannung +- möglichst auf ca. 80 Millivolt.
In den Tagen der Besendung hat sich diese bei uns beiden auf 100 Millivolt hochgeschraubt, was sich psychisch stark positiv bemerkbar gemacht hat.
Bei mir hat besonders die Schlafqualität enorm zugenommen.

November 11, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Karla Harper


EESystems put me into a deeper state of relaxation than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. Two hours feel like 2 minutes. After a session, my anxiety level goes down to the point that I can engage my rational mind rather than going into fight/flight reactions over stressors. I am able to move forward in life, making wise choices vs being stuck in old ways of reacting. I am able to make wiser choices and decisions. Amazing!

December 4, 2024

ZiaZen Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Sheryl Rebisz


The EES System has saved my life and mobility. I came down with a debilitating condition called drop foot. Excruciating pain in my right leg and foot. My foot hung down as if it was dead. I couldn’t walk and kept tripping and falling down. The EES System has helped heal me. I can now walk and not trip. I will continue this life saving and health healing for the rest of my life. If you haven’t visited Elevated Wellness and Rejuvenation in Missoula please do I highly recommend it.
Sheryl R.

December 3, 2024

Elevated Wellness and Rejuvenation/ Recharge Your Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Christina S.


I began coming to Quantum Healing and Wellness after being diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. I used both the EESystem and Acoustic Light Waves before and after receiving chemotherapy. After leaving Quantum Healing and Wellness, I felt more energized and relaxed. Throughout my chemotherapy treatment, the side effects were mostly minor and the cancer responded better than doctors were expecting.

November 27, 2024

Quantum Healing and Wellness - Bedford Hills


24-unit EESystem

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Ursula T.


Rückenschmerzen führten mich im Mai 24 ins EES Vital in Weil a.R. Seit Jahren praktiziere ich „HeartSelf-Intelligence“ und bin vertraut mit dem inneren Heiler, aber der Dauerschmerz ging nicht weg. Dank der hohen Schwingung im Quantenfeld entwickelte ich eine positive Vorstellung, meine Körperzellen sind fähig, sich an ihre gesunde Form zu erinnern und ich nehme seither keine Schmerzmittel mehr ein. Mein Körper ist dran, sich selbst zu regenerieren und reparieren. Die Schmerzepisoden sind deutlich weniger. Das Vertrauen in meinen Körper ist gewachsen. Für mich sind die Nachtsitzungen ideal: ich kann gut entspannen und die intensiven Träume zeigen mir, dass sich auch die Seele befreit.

November 12, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Jenelle J.


I had two cortisone shots in my right knee, but the positive results didn't last long. Instead of going for another cortisone shot, I decided to go to the Infinite Vitality EE centre. I went for 12 sessions; 24 hours, and now the pain I had in my knee has VANISHED! In fact I haven't felt the need to go back for another cortisone shot and it's been 9 months since the last injection. Prior, I was getting cortisone in my knee every three months. Infinite Vitality EE Centre is a true gift!

November 8, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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