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Burning Man : THE CRADLE OF LIFE | Official Documentary

Burning Man : THE CRADLE OF LIFE | Official Documentary

What an experience this was!!! With the growing success of EE System technology and the UNIFYD Healing Network, I started thinking of ways we could bring this incredible technology to the masses by introducing it to a younger demographic than we've seen so far. Enter Burning Man - a desert festival celebrating community, self-expression, art and self-reliance. By marrying EES Technology with art, we created "The Cradle of Life"! The EES team and I brought "The Cradle of Life" to thousands, and we captured the entire experience in this documentary! Watch and share to spread this incredible technology to the world!! To experience this technology for yourself, find a location near you at: Want to open a center? Apply here: Share your experience with the technology here: Dive into all the current research on this technology at: Thank you, Jason Shurka #unifydhealing #jasonshurka #goodnews #unifyd #healing DISCLAIMER: The information in this interview is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from this interview on your own with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have heard throughout this interview.
REVIVE | Awaken the Healer Within | TONY ROBBINS | Share this everywhere!!!

REVIVE | Awaken the Healer Within | TONY ROBBINS | Share this everywhere!!!

Find a center near you at: Open a center by applying at: Join me on Telegram for updates: In this powerful interview, Jason Shurka, the founder of UNIFYD Healing (, speaks with Tony Robbins about the leading breakthrough technologies Tony has learned about and experienced over the past few years of speaking with over 100 of the top medical minds on this planet. The focus of this interview in particular is on the “Energy Enhancement System”, a technology that thousands are reporting incredible benefits from. With a primary mission of making this technology affordable and accessible, Jason Shurka has assisted in the opening of nearly 300 wellness centers worldwide through the UNIFYD Healing initiative in just the span of 12 months. Tony Robbins has installed this powerful modality in his very own home and speak about his experiences with the technology to help spread awareness of what it can do for others around the world. Awareness is key to continue this rapid expansion around the world and show humanity that we have the power to heal ourselves To experience this technology for yourself, find a location near you at: Want to open a center? Apply here: Share your experience with the technology here: Dive into all the current research on this technology at: Interested in what else you can do to improve your quality of life as a whole? Get “Life Force” by Tony Robbins today at: Thank you, Jason Shurka #unifydhealing #jasonshurka #tonyrobbins #revive DISCLAIMER: The information in this interview is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from this interview on your own with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have heard throughout this interview.


Find a UNIFYD Healing location near you at: Join me on Telegram here for daily updates: In April of 1996, a very powerful technology called the “Energy Enhancement System” was invented by a woman named Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. In May of 2022 - just about 27 years later - Jason Shurka, the founder of the UNIFYD World organization, was given an assignment to make this technology available, affordable and accessible to the masses. Jason Shurka and Dr. Sandra Rose Michael met for the first time in May of 2022 to conduct an interview which yielded a response of over 70,000 emails from many people all around the world interested in being a part of bringing this technology to the masses. In response to such unprecedented demand, Jason Shurka developed an initiative called UNIFYD Healing with an intention of establishing wellness centers all around the world with this technology. And so, the journey began... A special thank you to all UNIFYD Healing center owners around the world for hearing the call to action and stepping up right away. Please support these people in honor of the support that they have given to humanity. Find a location near you at: Share your testimonial here: Want to open a center? Apply here: I ask you all to share this documentary FAR & WIDE because that is how we change the world! Through AWARENESS. THE REVOLUTION is here and I am grateful to be a part of bringing it to the forefront alongside the gracious, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. ________________________________________________________________________ A special thank you to all UNIFYD TV members. Your consistent support of the platform is what makes public interviews like this possible! Get 10% OFF at all UNIFYD Healing center by becoming a member of UNIFYD TV at: _______________________________________________________________________ #jasonshurka #drmichael #technology #ascension #tls ________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: The information in this interview is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from this interview on your own with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have heard throughout this interview.
La revolución de la sanación | Avanzando más allá de la tecnología MedBed

La revolución de la sanación | Avanzando más allá de la tecnología MedBed

Obtenga más información sobre cómo abrir un centro de sanación aquí: TLS me animó a ir a Las Vegas para entrevistar a alguien que actualmente tiene el poder de brindar verdadera sanación (en todos los niveles) al mundo entero. Una persona a la que se acercaron en 2011. Una persona que ha desarrollado una tecnología de sanación que puede ser incluso más avanzada que lo que muchos denominan "Tecnología MedBed". Una tecnología que ayudó a mi tía a disolver un fibroma quístico de 12,5 centímetros en su útero en un período de tan solo 4 horas. Su nombre es Dr. Sandra Rose Michael y es la primera persona que conozco, con la excepción de mí, con la que TLS acordó asociarse en el ámbito público. TLS me animó a generar conciencia sobre esta increíble tecnología y, al mismo tiempo, a encontrar una manera de hacer que esta tecnología sea accesible para todo el mundo. Además, no solo le dieron la bienvenida a la Dra. Michael para que compartiera públicamente sus experiencias sobre cuándo la organización se acercó a ella en 2011, ¡sino que incluso me enviaron a Las Vegas para documentarlo! Ella misma me dijo que le informaron en 2011 que la ayudarían a llevar su tecnología a la vanguardia a su debido tiempo. Bueno, supongo que ese momento es AHORA! Y vamos a hacer que esta tecnología sea accesible para todo el mundo, de una vez por todas. ¡Les pido a todos que compartan esta entrevista POR TODAS PARTES porque así es como cambiamos el mundo! A través de la CONCIENCIA. La revolución de la curación está aquí y estoy agradecida de ser parte de traerla a la vanguardia junto con la amable Dra. Sandra Rose Michael. ________________________________________________________________________ Un agradecimiento especial a todos los miembros de UNIFYD TV. ¡Su apoyo constante a la plataforma es lo que hace posible entrevistas públicas como esta! ________________________________________________________________________ #jasonshurka #drmichael #technology #ascension #tls ________________________________________________________________________ DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: La información de esta entrevista no pretende ni implica ser un sustituto del consejo, diagnóstico o tratamiento médico profesional. Todo el contenido, incluido el texto, los gráficos, las imágenes y la información, incluido o disponible a través de este sitio web, es solo para fines de información general. Se le recomienda que confirme cualquier información obtenida de esta entrevista por su cuenta con otras fuentes y que revise toda la información relacionada con cualquier condición médica o tratamiento con su médico. Nunca ignore el consejo médico profesional ni retrase la búsqueda de tratamiento médico por algo que haya escuchado a lo largo de esta entrevista.

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UNIFYD Healing, a Private Ecclesiastic Research Project of UNIFYD World/UNIFYD World Inc. is intended to raise awareness for centers on the network who have access to THE LIGHT SYSTEM technology. UNIFYD Healing makes no medical claims regarding THE LIGHT SYSTEM technology to any capacity whatsoever. UNIFYD Healing is in no way directly connected to any center that it promotes and is not liable for any experience an individual may have in any center affiliated with the network. UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. does not manufacture, produce, distribute sell or make commission on any technology related to THE LIGHT SYSTEM. By using the UNIFYD Healing website and/or app in any way whatsoever, you understand that no medical claims are made by UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. and you agree to indemnify UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. of any and all liability



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