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  • Writer's pictureUNIFYD Healing Team

UNIFYD Healing Social - NOW AVAILABLE! 📱

We're excited to unveil our newest feature to the UNIFYD Healing Mobile App - UNIFYD Healing Social! 🎉

UNIFYD Healing Social is meant to bring the community together, whether it's finding like-minded individuals near you, connecting with center owners, or simply providing guidance to those who may need it most. We hope this new feature helps all of you find individuals around you that share the same values and interests.

In addition to the launch of UNIFYD Healing Social, we have made some design changes to the mobile app, including a new "feed" style on the home screen. This provides an overview of updates - such as new testimonials, recently-opened centers, upcoming events, promotions, and more! Additional changes have been made throughout the app to make it more intuitive, with more updates planned in the coming weeks.

We hope these new changes are enjoyed by you all - thank you for your support!

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UNIFYD Healing, a Private Ecclesiastic Research Project of UNIFYD World/UNIFYD World Inc. is intended to raise awareness for centers on the network who have access to the Energy Enhancement System technology. UNIFYD Healing makes no medical claims regarding the Energy Enhancement System technology to any capacity whatsoever. UNIFYD Healing is in no way directly connected to any center that it promotes and is not liable for any experience an individual may have in any center affiliated with the network. UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. does not manufacture, produce, distribute sell or make commission on any technology related to the Energy Enhancement System. By using the UNIFYD Healing website and/or app in any way whatsoever, you understand that no medical claims are made by UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. and you agree to indemnify UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. of any and all liability



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