the breakthrough technology that is improving mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
Inquire about your own private-use Light System to receive the benefits 24/7
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What can The Light System do for you or a loved one?
The Light System generates a hyper-healthy environment that enables the body to naturally heal itself. Individuals have shared powerful experiences of improved well-being.
Benefits Reported by Individuals

What Others Are Experiencing
Candra B.
"Son on spectrum speaking more!"
April 29, 2024
Hadassa Yates
"Eczema has completely cleared, and sleeping through the night now!"
April 15, 2024
Jess L.
"Pain gone, stopped taking medication, no more tinnitus, & my quality of life is back!!"
February 13, 2024
Joni Fithen
My grandson with adhd and possibly on the autism spectrum (not diagnosed but suggested)has spent 2 overnights at the center. Prior to this had meltdowns about minor things, bad behavior in school, sensitivity to loud noise, etc... After spending 2 overnights at Renewed Spirit Therapies in Pass Christian, MS my grandson went from having 13 out of 15 days of bad reports at school to only 2 out of the last 10 days getting a bad report at school. And, these last 2 were not nearly as bad as before. And, at home, he is a different kid with a better attitude and no meltdowns. This technology is a miracle.
September 23, 2024
Marilyn R.
Dealing with an auto-immune disease I've been dealing with many issues. After 20 hours my doctor dropped my thyroid medication from 60.5mg (of 12 years) to 15mg. Also my lung capacity increased and my heart rate normalized during my cardio sessions. After 30 hours I no longer needed to be on bio-identical estrogen as my estrogen levels normalized. And after about 50 hours my chronic constipation of 30+ years disappeared and I am now regular every morning. My abnormal antibodies have consistently been dropping/healing since I started this EES journey. When my labs come back with 100% normal antibodies (hopefully soon) I will continue using this system as preventative.
May 16, 2024
Keryn Mitchell
Chronic pain from fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis especially my left hip. R. Shoulder. Feet. Hands. Immune disease flair. Crohns disease. Chronic fatigue. Long covid. Epstein Barr. Very sensitive. Upon sitting in the chair I felt the frequency throughout my whole body. After half hr I experienced slightly intense pain in all areas then it decreased and went....completely. After the 2hrs I walked out in No Pain. I had energy like I haven't had most of my life. The frequency energy still lasts now 3 weeks later.
May 16, 2024