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How The EESystem Can Benefit

Relief From Pain

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Joanne R


I have had consistent sharp pain in my shoulder for about 30 years. When I went to reach for something, a jabbing pain would shoot in my shoulder. While I was in the EE system, I felt a nagging pain in that shoulder. I was only in the system for one, 2 hour session, and after I left, I noticed the pain had gone away. In fact, the pain has never returned and I now I have no problem using that shoulder! Astonishing!

24-unit EESystem

October 15, 2024

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Sianna Avalyn


I’ve been in severe pain for over 8 years in my hips, groin and knees… limping and barely able to walk at times. Since sitting in the EE room at least 6-7 hours per week since May, pain level has decreased significantly. I’m walking better and feeling more alive. A great side benefit too is my hair is reversing from grey/white to original color.

24-unit EESystem

August 20, 2024

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Carole Bostic


I have been having knee pain off and on for a couple of years. Recently my left knee was giving me so much pain that it was hard for me to sleep and I had to take Ibuprofen. I went to the ReGenerate Wellness Center twice, 2 hour sessions each and I must say that my knee pain is all but gone. I will continue to go just for maintenance but I consider this a healing experience.

12-unit EESystem

August 3, 2024

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Charlotte McCarthy


I have been going to EEE in Centerville for about 4 months. The owners are always welcoming and pleasant. I am 76 and have had an unsteady feeling for several years. After my first 2-hour session that feeling was gone! I've had arthritis in my hands and thumbs for 5 years; I now have improved hand flexibility & my thumbs no longer hurt. My sleep quality has significantly improved; I'm now averaging 7 hours each night with 4 hours of deep sleep per my tracker. My blood pressure is now normal and I'm no longer on meds! My reflux is improving and I can now eat things I couldn't before, such as pizza! Recent blood work showed excellent results. I love the EES sessions!

24-unit EESystem

August 23, 2024

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16-unit EESystem

August 15, 2024

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Ann Coughlin


Wanting to avoid Hip surgery from my painful Rt hip arthritis, I learned of the 24 unit EES healing option that opened in Sandpoint, ID. Eager to try it, I went for a 2 hr session and felt immediate relaxation and a reduction in pain in my Hip. After going for about 24 hrs total I was able to sleep, walk and stand without Hip pain. I also have had total healing of hand nerve issues and a frozen middle finger. The center is professionally run, clean and very accommodating. The owner is easy to work with and full of excitement about EESystems. My truth is that "IT WORKS". All you have to do is be curious enough to go sit in a chair and receive healing. It's really that simple, HONEST!

24-unit EESystem

August 1, 2024

The Simple Overview of How The EESystem Works

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In a world where we are bombarded by energies, toxins, and stressors, our bodies are under immense pressure to perform optimally.


The Energy Enhancement System creates an environment that allows our bodies to do what they innately know best - regenerate.


The technology or system does not heal, cure or treat any ailment.

Just like when you cut your finger or break a bone, we expect our bodies to regenerate when we provide it the care it needs. Why should it be any different for any other ailment or condition?

Our bodies want to return to a state of equilibrium. By relaxing within the EESystem, your body matches the surrounding energy giving your cells the boost they need to perform most efficiently.

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Self-responsibility is key to experiencing the full benefits of the environment generated by the EESystem. Although many individuals feel improvements after just 1-2 hours, the body may need more hours within the system to regenerate. Proper nutrition and detoxification protocols are important to help pull out excess toxins as well as to give the nutrients your cells need to perform at their best.

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