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How The EESystem Can Benefit

Disease Management

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Mark C.


We have been visiting Infinity Life and Light Wellness Center for about 6 months now with 175 hours.
I have had issues with my gums for several years.
At the completion of my latest exam, the hygienist actually removed her mask, looked me straight in the eye and remarked that she couldn't believe this! "This never happens! Your gums have gotten better!" She followed up explaining that gums never get better; they stay the same or get worse.
Imagine my private joy at this revelation! If the scalar waves have made that kind of a difference on my gums, I wonder what other benefits I have been receiving that I am not even aware of. Thank you to Leon and Wilma for providing the center for us!

24-unit EESystem

September 5, 2024

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Charlotte McCarthy


I have been going to EEE in Centerville for about 4 months. The owners are always welcoming and pleasant. I am 76 and have had an unsteady feeling for several years. After my first 2-hour session that feeling was gone! I've had arthritis in my hands and thumbs for 5 years; I now have improved hand flexibility & my thumbs no longer hurt. My sleep quality has significantly improved; I'm now averaging 7 hours each night with 4 hours of deep sleep per my tracker. My blood pressure is now normal and I'm no longer on meds! My reflux is improving and I can now eat things I couldn't before, such as pizza! Recent blood work showed excellent results. I love the EES sessions!

24-unit EESystem

August 23, 2024

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Marilyn R.


Dealing with an auto-immune disease I've been dealing with many issues. After 20 hours my doctor dropped my thyroid medication from 60.5mg (of 12 years) to 15mg. Also my lung capacity increased and my heart rate normalized during my cardio sessions. After 30 hours I no longer needed to be on bio-identical estrogen as my estrogen levels normalized. And after about 50 hours my chronic constipation of 30+ years disappeared and I am now regular every morning. My abnormal antibodies have consistently been dropping/healing since I started this EES journey. When my labs come back with 100% normal antibodies (hopefully soon) I will continue using this system as preventative.

32-unit EESystem

May 16, 2024

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Megan N.


In January 2024 I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I finished chemo in June and now am doing immunotherapy. I’ve struggled to get my blood work back to normal, specifically my red blood cells. After just 2 visits my blood work came back the best it’s been since last year! Including my RBC. I’m looking forward to seeing my results continue to go in a positive direction.

8-unit EESystem

September 4, 2024

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Ron V.


24-unit EESystem

June 5, 2024

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Debbie Marks


I have a polycystic Kidney Disease & chronic Kidney Disease. In 2021, I got COVID, since then, my kidney function has been gradually declining and the cysts on my kidneys have been growing making my kidneys more than double their size. In January of 2024, my test numbers really hit a real low. My kidney function was at 20%, my creatine was 2.53 and my bun level was 81. I did 4 (2) hr sessions and had my blood drawn again and my kidney function was up 29%, my creatine is now 1.86 and my bun level is 53. I am also optimistic that some of the cysts on my kidneys will shrink. Thanks to Best of me Scalar Wave Center. Without this technology I would have to go on dialysis in 6 months.

24-unit EESystem

May 13, 2024

The Simple Overview of How The EESystem Works

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In a world where we are bombarded by energies, toxins, and stressors, our bodies are under immense pressure to perform optimally.


The Energy Enhancement System creates an environment that allows our bodies to do what they innately know best - regenerate.


The technology or system does not heal, cure or treat any ailment.

Just like when you cut your finger or break a bone, we expect our bodies to regenerate when we provide it the care it needs. Why should it be any different for any other ailment or condition?

Our bodies want to return to a state of equilibrium. By relaxing within the EESystem, your body matches the surrounding energy giving your cells the boost they need to perform most efficiently.

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Self-responsibility is key to experiencing the full benefits of the environment generated by the EESystem. Although many individuals feel improvements after just 1-2 hours, the body may need more hours within the system to regenerate. Proper nutrition and detoxification protocols are important to help pull out excess toxins as well as to give the nutrients your cells need to perform at their best.

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