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How The EESystem Can Benefit

Disease Management

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Cristina Muller


I have been diagnosed with ALS three years ago and have since then worked a lot on myself knowing that every disease has a root cause.
Spending time in the system provides you with the energy to detox the body but also the emotions hidden deeply inside of you that keeps you in a place of darkness and suffering, source of disease.
I spent 72 hours in the system.
A lot of emotions came to the surface and I was able to see what was keeping me chained. Now I feel free.
I feel energized, full of joy and so in harmony with myself. I see beauty all around and I now know that everything is possible in my healing process and my recovery.

24-unit EESystem

October 29, 2024

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Tony Asdenti


2 weeks ago my wife went for a routine mammogram and a mass was found in her left breast.
I already was familiar with EE Systems so I asked my wife if she was willing to have a session and she agreed.
I called Ken and asked if he could give us a session before her next test and he was able to schedule a 2 hour session for Wednesday, October 2, 2024 the day before her test.
She had a sonogram and nothing was found so they did another mammogram since they already had a baseline and nothing was found.
The technician even had another person do a second review just as a double-check.
Nothing was there.
I give thanks to the Universe and to EE Systems for her healing.

16-unit EESystem

October 3, 2024

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Mark C.


We have been visiting Infinity Life and Light Wellness Center for about 6 months now with 175 hours.
I have had issues with my gums for several years.
At the completion of my latest exam, the hygienist actually removed her mask, looked me straight in the eye and remarked that she couldn't believe this! "This never happens! Your gums have gotten better!" She followed up explaining that gums never get better; they stay the same or get worse.
Imagine my private joy at this revelation! If the scalar waves have made that kind of a difference on my gums, I wonder what other benefits I have been receiving that I am not even aware of. Thank you to Leon and Wilma for providing the center for us!

24-unit EESystem

September 5, 2024

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Invanka A.


I was diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative invasive carcenoma breast cancer in July '23. I started chemo to shrink the tumour intending on a double mastectomy. The side effects were debilitating causing me to be on pain killers and anti depressants. I discovered Infinite Vitality EE system. After my first 25 hours, my pain vanished and my mental well being was restored allowing me to stop all my pain/depression medication. I continued chemo and spent another 40 hours in the EE system. As of May '24 my tumour is gone no longer requiring a double mastectomy! I urge anyone experiencing any discomfort to try an EE system. I cannot express how grateful I am to Infinite Vitality EE Centre.

24-unit EESystem

October 21, 2024

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Bernadine Hill


24-unit EESystem

September 17, 2024

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Megan N.


In January 2024 I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I finished chemo in June and now am doing immunotherapy. I’ve struggled to get my blood work back to normal, specifically my red blood cells. After just 2 visits my blood work came back the best it’s been since last year! Including my RBC. I’m looking forward to seeing my results continue to go in a positive direction.

8-unit EESystem

September 4, 2024

The Simple Overview of How The EESystem Works

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In a world where we are bombarded by energies, toxins, and stressors, our bodies are under immense pressure to perform optimally.


The Energy Enhancement System creates an environment that allows our bodies to do what they innately know best - regenerate.


The technology or system does not heal, cure or treat any ailment.

Just like when you cut your finger or break a bone, we expect our bodies to regenerate when we provide it the care it needs. Why should it be any different for any other ailment or condition?

Our bodies want to return to a state of equilibrium. By relaxing within the EESystem, your body matches the surrounding energy giving your cells the boost they need to perform most efficiently.

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Self-responsibility is key to experiencing the full benefits of the environment generated by the EESystem. Although many individuals feel improvements after just 1-2 hours, the body may need more hours within the system to regenerate. Proper nutrition and detoxification protocols are important to help pull out excess toxins as well as to give the nutrients your cells need to perform at their best.

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UNIFYD Healing, a Private Ecclesiastic Research Project of UNIFYD World/UNIFYD World Inc. is intended to raise awareness for centers on the network who have access to THE LIGHT SYSTEM technology. UNIFYD Healing makes no medical claims regarding THE LIGHT SYSTEM technology to any capacity whatsoever. UNIFYD Healing is in no way directly connected to any center that it promotes and is not liable for any experience an individual may have in any center affiliated with the network. UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. does not manufacture, produce, distribute sell or make commission on any technology related to THE LIGHT SYSTEM. By using the UNIFYD Healing website and/or app in any way whatsoever, you understand that no medical claims are made by UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. and you agree to indemnify UNIFYD Healing/UNIFYD World/Unifyd World Inc. of any and all liability



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