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The Home of Light Centre


Rila, Bulgaria

Address Provided Upon Booking

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16-unit EESystem

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Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Catherine B.


"My dog's auto immune problems are better, and my anxiety and breast cancer is better!"


September 28, 2024

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Bernadine Hill


"Improvement in Parkinson's, strokes, hearing, vision, and healthy weight gain."


September 17, 2024

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Steven Cornejo


"Improvement in many things in my body."


September 17, 2024

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Corynne Montamat


Après avoir participé à une séance d'une heure au centre Life Energy Spa aux Eglisottes 33, j'en ressors avec des résultats positivement surprenants!!! Un regain d'énergie, un état d'être modifié soit une sereinité , une paix intérieure "comme sur un nuage" , un meilleur sommeil, plus de douleur, soit un bien être total et cet état à durer plusieurs jours. A renouveler sans modération car les résultats sont "magiques". De plus Alice , gérante du centre, une femme adorable, qui est investie à fond dans son activité, est à votre écoute et vous explique tout le déroulement de la séance. Vous vous laissez porter et lâcher prise . Nous ne pouvons qu'apprécier tous ses bienfaits.


October 9, 2024

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Rick B.


I am 69 years of age. After about 48 hours/8 weeks in the EE system, I experienced a marked reduction in pain from arthritis in my feet and neck as well as my right hand I had injured years ago has no more pain. I used to have numbness and tingling from my hand going to sleep but that has diminished. I suffered from cold sores on the corners of my mouth. Now they are gone! I breathe much deeper, my sciatic nerve pain has disappeared, and my Dr reports my enlarged prostrate is improved in addition to my blood pressure reduction! I have reduced my medication to a quarter of the amount I was taking of two drugs. My digestion is better also and I feel so much better all around!


October 7, 2024

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Luciano Galvao


We've been extremely well received and attended in the Quantum Light Center (E.E. System of Frankfurt)

As I had no specific health issue and I didn't plan to have any E.E.S session, but my wife insisted in it, so we'd two 2h sessions and one night session.

For sure there were other benefits but these were the immediate perceived:

During the sessions:
- I've cough out (expectorate), starting to cleaning my lungs.
About two days after the sessions:
- My hand dyshidrosis basically disappered.
- Seborrheic dermatitis on the face also disappered
- Bowel movements became more frequent and regular (with healthy poops)
- Improved my sleep quality (it feels you've effectively rested).


October 6, 2024

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